Welcome to the Bavarian Millitary Community

10 Welcome to the U.S.Army Garrison Grafenwoehr. 1936 January - The second great expansion of Grafen- woehr takes place by order of the War Ministry in Berlin. The GTA doubles by 35,000 acres to the west of the existing camp to accommodate the stupendous growth of the resurgent Wehrmacht, more than 3,500 civilians are relocated out- side the training area. March - 30,000 German soldiers march into the demilitarized Rhineland border region. The French back-down in the face or well-trained German troops. 1937 June - The German Ju 87, better known as the Stuka, a ground attack aircraft and form of aerial artillery, is regu- larly participating in tank and infantry maneuvers at the GTA. The Stuka is a key element in the early success of the German Wehrmacht attacks across Europe, beginning in 1939. 1938 March - Hitler occupies Austria. June - Hitler visits Grafenwoehr and observes a obstacle breaching exercise. By this time the GTA is second to none in rifle and machine-gun ranges, com- bat infantry and armor ranges, and possesses an authentic bunker/pillbox system for training overcoming defen- sive obstacles. September - Hitler occupies the Czech Sudetenland. November - Hitler orders Kristallnacht, an anti- semitic program of hate and violence against Jews all across Germany. 1939 September - Hitler attacks Poland, while the Soviet Union closes in to occupy large areas of eastern Poland. Britain and France declare war on Germany. World War II begins. 1940 May - Blitzkrieg tactics, in part developed and tested at the Grafenwoehr Training Area, enable the German Army to defeat and occupy Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway and Poland. The French Army, considered the best in Europe is swept aside and the British Expeditionary Force is routed, narrowly escaping cap- ture at Dunkirk, less than one month after Wehrmacht combat operations begin. History of the Grafenwoehr Training Area