Welcome to the Bavarian Millitary Community

11 Welcome to the U.S.Army Garrison Grafenwoehr. July - The Battle of Britain begins. In Sep- tember, sustained Luftwaffe bombing attacks are launched against UK cities. 1941 June - Hitler invades Russia. More than 4.5 million Axis troops drive east sur- rounding and capturing large numbers of Soviet troops on four active fronts. Initial break-throughs prove deceptive as Soviet forces regroup later in the year, and slow or stop Wehrmacht advances into the Russian interior. December - The United States enters WW II after being attacked by Japanese forces at Pearl Harbor on December 7th. Four days later Hitler, declares war on the United States. 1942 The Spanish “Blue Legion”, more than 18,000 Spanish soldiers, many of who are combat veterans of the Spanish Civil War, swear an oath to fight for Germany. They arrive at the GTA for their uni- forms, equipment and training prior to leaving for the Russia. Like many foreign troops trained at the GTA, The Blue Legion will see action at the Siege of Leningrad and elsewhere all along the Russian Front. April Regiment “Nordland” three foreign SS Scandinavian units arrive in Grafenwoehr to form the core of a new SS volunteer Panzer-grena- dier division. Volunteers are chiefly from Northern Europe but more than 1,200 Romanians are added to their strength. 1943 February - The Battle of Stalingrad, which began in July 1942, ends with the surrender of the German 6th Army. It is a major turning point in the war. At the same time, Minister of Armaments Albert Speer visits the GTA to observe testing of Germany’s heaviest and most pow- erful tank built to date. The new Burger Bar located at „Zum Südlager“ Restaurant at the entrance of Sorghof/Vilseck is recently a popular location. Apart of the welcoming dining area it also offers a large beer garden with 50 outside seating and a large parking area. The Restaurant impresses its customers with the quality of there food. Each sauce of the 15 different handmade beef burgers is homemade. Address: Telephone: Kürmreuther Straße 57, 92249 Vilseck/Sorghof 09662 7013956 M o n - S u n 1 7 : 0 0 - 2 3 : 0 0 · T u e s d a y C l o s e d http://www.facebook.com/Zum-Südlager-Burger-Bar-269054703447780/ Contact: Kürmreutherstrasse 2 92249 Vilseck/Sorghof Phone: 09662 7012014 Opening hours: Tue - Thursday 17:00 - 22:00 Fri & Sat 17:00 - 23:00 Sun 17:00 - 22:00 Z U M S Ü D L A G E R BURGER BAR History of the Grafenwoehr Training Area