Welcome to the Bavarian Millitary Community

13 Welcome to the U.S.Army Garrison Grafenwoehr. divides from the Soviet sphere of occupation and establishes its capital in Bonn. August - The Soviet Union explodes its first atom bomb. October - The East German Democratic Repub- lic (GDR) is formed and claims as its capital Berlin. 1950 May - General Dwight D. Eisenhower visits the GTA in his final weeks as NATO Commander. One month later, he returns to the U.S. to campaign for President. June - The Korean War begins as Communist forces invade South Korea. November - The U.S. Seventh Army, deactivated in 1947, is reactivated. 1951 June - V and VII Corps arrive in Europe and are assigned to Seventh Army. From 1950 to 1953 large construction projects change the face of the Training Area. The Barracks “Tunisia”, “Cheb”, “Kas- serine”, and Camps Aachen, Algiers and Normandy are added. These facil- ities combined are capable of housing more than 42,000 troops. Developed in the early 1950s, the Honest John Rocket, the first U.S. battlefield, close support nuclear weapon was fired with weighted dummy warheads. 1953 March - Soviet General Secretary and Premier Joseph Stalin dies. 1954 January - U.S. Soldiers at the GTA are regularly shown government training films at the local movie theater throughout the Cold War years. 1955 May - The Soviet Union creates The Warsaw Pact, a military-treaty organization of eight nations initiated and sponsored by the Soviets. It is the Communist Bloc counter to NATO. November - The German Bundeswehr is officially established. West Germany joins NATO. 1956 July - West Germany introduces conscrip- tion, and activates the Bundeswehr (German Armed forces). One month later, the first German Bundeswehr soldiers arrive and are billeted at Camp Normandy at GTA. Although early plans for the Bundeswehr called for separate bases, the U.S. establishes a co-use agreement for Camps Algiers and Normandy for joint training and maneuvers. Gosselin Auerbach Leonie 5 - 91275 Auerbach - Germany Contact: +49 9643 / 92280 get in touch Your local Gosselin mover info@gtrans-auerbach.de History of the Grafenwoehr Training Area