Welcome to the Bavarian Millitary Community

14 Welcome to the U.S.Army Garrison Grafenwoehr. October - The Soviet Union invades Hungary occupying the capital, Budapest, fol- lowing Hungary’s decision to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact. Hungarian resistance is crushed by Soviet troops and tanks. 1957 January - U.S. Forces across central Europe, including those stationed in France, are using the Grafenwoehr Training Area by this time. August - Bundeswehr tanks and soldiers take to the Grafenwoehr Ranges. 1958 November - Pvt. Elvis Presley, the King of Rock & Roll, visits Grafenwoehr for six weeks of winter training with his unit. 1958 through 1959 A newly remodeled Grafenwoehr Post becomes the headquarters of the Sev- enth Army Training Center. In addition to the Grafenwoehr Training Area, the Hohenfels Training Area is consolidated under the command. The Seventh Army Training Center becomes the largest training complex in Germany. Rose Barracks becomes the home of the Seventh Army Combined Arms School. 1960 February - Elvis Presley returns to Grafenwoehr to train and participate in the NATO exercise “Winter Shield”. Maneuvers involve 60,000 men of the U.S. Army and German Bundeswehr. Elvis, now a sergeant, shuns exceptional treatment and duty. In his free time Elvis occa- sionally visits local taverns in the city of Grafenwoehr, just past the front gate, where he signs countless autographs and patiently sits for photos with his German fans. 1961 August - At midnight, August 12, units of the East German army install barbed-wire fences along the 124 miles of Allied sectors in Berlin. October - High Noon: Soviet and American tanks face-off at Allied Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin. Third Armored Division’s Gen- eral Creighton Abrams photographed in Grafenwoehr for the cover of TIME magazine. June - U.S. Army Europe reaches its peak strength of 277,342 personnel. October - President John F. Kennedy speaks to the world in a televised speech from the Oval Office at the height of the Cuban missile crisis. U.S. and NATO military forces in Europe go to the highest state of alert. 1963 July - The stone and barbed-wire barricades that dividing Berlin since 1961 are replaced by a permanent, 18 foot high wall around allied sectors that make-up West Berlin. 1964 October - Communist Party First Secretary Nikita Khruschev is deposed by the Russian government as leader of the Soviet Union. Leonid Brezhnev and Alexi Kosygin assume power over the state. History of the Grafenwoehr Training Area