Welcome to the Bavarian Millitary Community

22 Welcome to the U.S.Army Garrison Grafenwoehr. 2005 April Rose Barracks begins a $600 mil- lion expansion. September The Seventh Army Training Command changes its name to the Joint Multinational Training Command (JMTC). The new name represents it’s key role in supporting NATO and the U.S. European Command’s Theater Security Cooperation program. At the same time, CMTC transforms into the Joint Multinational Training Center. While, the 7th Army NCO Academy is training hundreds of allied and partner nation’s noncommissioned officers. 2006 April - 3,500 soldiers of the 2d Stryker Cavalry Regiment move from Fort Lewis, Wash- ington to Rose Barracks Vilseck. The influx of more than 3,500 2d Stryker Cavalry Regiment soldiers doubles the local population. 2007 September - GTA is approved for a series of Depart- ment of the Army range projects under the Combined Arms MOUT Task Force initiative. Construction of an Urban Assault Course, a 360-degree live- fire-shoot-house and an Urban Breach Facility begins, while the GTA live-fire assault building project is completed. October - United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) is established. Training with the Shadow Unmanned Aerial System begins at the GTA. 2008 The Joint Multinational Simulation Center opens a state of the art 50,000 square-foof facility for digital models, simulations and virtual train- ing. At this time the JMTC at Grafen- woehr employs close to 3,900 local German nationals. Current salary and wage payments total 160 million Euro per year and contracts with local busi- nesses amount to 2550 million Euro annually. American private purchasing power in the region is approximately 35 million Euro. An additional 30 mil- lion Euro per year is spent on rents by American families. 2009 As Grafenwoehr prepares for its centennial, its ranges and facilities are fully operational and teeming with U.S. and multinational soldiers training for deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. While continuing to support combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. Army Europe continues with its most comprehensive transformation program since the end of World War II. The GTA continues to adapt and shape itself to meet the needs of the sol- History of the Grafenwoehr Training Area