Animierte Bürgerinformationsbroschüre der Stadt Neu-Ulm

31 INTERCULTURAL NEU-ULM Neu-Ulm is colourful. People from over 100 nations have made their home in our city. This diversity enriches city life day by day. In order to shape the interculturality of the city and to strategically establish and coordinate the integration work of the city administration, the Intercultural Neu-Ulm Coordination Centre was established in 2016. In addition to networking with all relevant urban and regional actors, one of the first tasks of the Coordination Centre was to develop the urban integration concept, which was then adopted in 2018. Five fields of action were defined in a participatory process involving all relevant players in the city and are to be served by various measures and projects: education and language, labour market integration, social participation, housing and networking, and transparen- cy. leben-in-neu-ulm/internationales-neu-ulm/ Network Integration An urban network emerged from the integration concept. The players of the Neu-Ulm integration landscape meet regularly to discuss and work on the various themes of the integration concept. The network contributes significantly to greater transparency between the various actors and their actions. International Advisory Board The International Advisory Board operates out of the Intercultural Neu-Ulm Coordination Centre, which supports the Board in its work as an advisory body. The Advisory Board consists of 12 voting members with international roots and of advisory councillors. Its task is to advise the city council and the city administration on all issues relating tomigration and integration. In addition, the Advisory Board can contribute to the promotion of intercultural dialogue in ur- ban society through its own projects and initiatives. Projects In addition to its strategic work, the Coordination Centre also carries out its own intercultural projects. Through actions with the Neu-Ulm Courage-Schools as part of the Internati- onal Week against Racism, it promotes the city's anti-racism work. In addition, projects are being developed with urban actors to pro- mote intercultural dialogue. In cooperation with the Neu-Ulm Volun- teer Agency, for example, the "Willkommen Daheim" (Welcome Home) sponsorship project was established. The project is aimed at newcomers and locals alike in order to facilitate first encounters. ehrenamt/ Although the Coordination Centre is primarily a strategic institution of the city administration, it is always open to suggestions and ideas in the intercultural field and welcomes contact. In addition, thanks to its excellent network with the other actors in the city, it is always in a position to act as a referral system. Intercultural Neu-Ulm Coordination Centre Augsburger Straße 15, 89231 Neu-Ulm (frommid-January 2021: Steubenstraße 15, 89231 Neu-Ulm) Tel.: 0731 7050 2002 Fax: 0731 7050 2098 E-Mail: … Courage-Team der FOSBOS … Courage-Schüler der Karl-Salzmann-Mittelschule … Stadtbücherei … HNU move